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Cycling safely in the rain

Tips for rainwarriors!

Don't let bad weather and rain stop you from taking the bike either?

Then of course we think you're fat cool, because exercise and breathing fresh air are definitely important during periods of bad weather! So we'd like to give you some tips on how to ride your bike safely in the rain and avoid getting muddy.  

a street in rainy weather

Visibility is extra important in bad weather situations! Therefore, check that your front and rear lights are still working properly. You can also put reflectors in your wheels, and reflective strips on your clothes also remarkably increase your visibility.

In Holland you sometimes hear; "There is no bad weather, only bad clothing. Well, this time we wholeheartedly agree! A good rain jacket and pants make the difference between arriving at your destination in good spirits or getting off your bike soaked and muttering inside. Therefore, consider investing in really good rainwear that is also suitable for exercise. An average rain poncho can work against you on your bike, or even get caught behind a moving part of your bike and cause an accident.

Getting rain in your eyes is not only incredibly irritating, it also makes you see less well. So wearing a cap under your bike hood that keeps the rain out of your eyes is also a good idea in this weather.

But of course, the road is also slippier in rainy weather which means you have less grip on the road. A simple trick to get more grip on the road is to adjust your tire pressure to the weather. Inflating your tires about 1 bar less than normal allows for more contact with the road, giving you more grip.  

Like this. You go, rainwarrior!

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Paardenmarkt 24, 2000 Antwerp

+32 03 435 26 01

Monday: 9am-12:30am and 1pm-17pm
Tuesday: 9am-12:30am
Wednesday-Friday: 9am-12:30am and 1pm-17pm

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De wielredders - Lier

Netelaan 4, 2500 Lier

+32 03 376 45 80

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